We welcome a new models to the ProtoPRED server: Acute oral toxicity (2000 mg/kg bw).
ProtoREACH incorporates a new model for Acute oral toxicity and now it has two different classification models. The models are based in the same endpoint but classifiy the substance with a different threshold. The new model has a threshold of 2000 mg/kg bw, which corresponds to the limit between classification as toxic (categories 1-4) or non classified in CLP. On the other hand, the preexisting model, which has been renamed to Acute Oral Toxicity (300 mg/kg bw), has a threshold of 300 mg/kg bw and can be used to discern between medium/high toxics (categories 1-3) and low or no toxicity (category 4 or not classified).
We have updated the reports provided with your prediction. New QPRF reports, based on the 2023 (Q)SAR Assessment Framework of the OECD are provided. New QPRF files are more complete and include additional information about your prediction to help the user and external evaluators to assess the prediction. Among other upgrades, those reports include a new reliability score to provide an orientative guide on the quality of the calculation and a preliminary assessment related to the OECD prediction checklist.
We have improved the management of user data. Now, the user can change its password in the user section and recover it from its email (note that this is the registration email, not the one provided for QPRF reports).
We have improved the privacy of your data. The historic of the predictions done by an user is saved and offered to the user through the user page as a feature to keep track of usage. By default this includes the SMILES and predicted value, to facilitate revision. However, the user can select the Data privacy option to stop saving their results (the date and model will be stored, but not the substance or predicted results).
Performance and appareance has been improved by fixing other minor bugs and enhancing the design. Minor typos have been corrected.